von Admin | Apr 16, 2018 | Allgemein
Actors, dramaturgs, artists and one director from three countries united in the ZKM | Center for Art and Media in Karlsruhe at the shooting of various sequences for our new app Zigmagora. Our partners Moritz Büchner and Andy Koch made it possible and were creating not...
von Bruno | Mrz 14, 2018 | Allgemein
As much as the digital is at the core of the production STAGE YOUR CITY, so it was in the whole development process. Since October 2016 most work meetings took place on Google hangouts, connecting the partners in 4 cities – Nancy, Karlsruhe, Tbilisi and...
von Bruno | Mrz 14, 2018 | Unkategorisiert, Unkategorisiert, Unkategorisiert
Stage Your City is testing a variety of current digital technologies ton find out their artistic potential in combination with theatre and to offer first hand experience to both theatre and digital audiences. We are employing 360 technology with the help of Prestige...
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